

1989, im Jahr als der Eiserne Vorhang fiel, arbeitete ich in einem staatlichen Architekturbüro in Budapest. Mit meinen Kolleginnen reiste ich in dieser Zeit und danach durchs Land und entdeckte hier und in anderen ehemals kommunistischen Ländern herausragende Architektur, die im Westen völlig unbekannt war. Seit damals dokumentiere ich diese Architektur und seit 2006 zeige ich sie hier auf ostarchitektur.com

In 1989, the year the Iron Curtain fell, I worked in a state architectural office in Budapest. With my colleagues I travelled around the country during and after this time and discovered here and in other former communist countries outstanding architecture that was completely unknown in the West. Since then I have been documenting this architecture and since 2006 I show it here on ostarchitektur.com

Peter Sägesser, dipl. Architekt ETH, Switzerland

All photos and content unless otherwise noted: Peter Sägesser, Switzerland, © www.ostarchitektur.com

For any informations, suggestions and exchange please contact me.


Bosnia und Hercegovina:

Days of architecture, Dani arhitekture

Filter architecture Architecture office

LIFT NGO for spatial initiatives

University of Sarajevo, Faculty of Architecture


Das Neue Dresden, Dresdner Bauten aus dem 20. und 21. Jahrhundert

machmaplazda, Grosswohnsiedlungen in (Ost-)Deutschland, Beispiele zu Plattenbausiedlungen in Ostdeutschland


radionica arhitekture Architecture office

Studio UP Architecture office

University of Zagreb, Faculty of architecture


Arhitektri Architecture office

University Cyril and Methodius Skopje, Faculty of architecture


Andreescu and Gaivoronschi Associated Architects Architecture office

Fabrica de Pensule, Cluj, Artist Centre

Made in Romania Socialist architecture blog

Parasite Studio Architecture office

Planwerk Architecture office

planT Studio, Tövissi Zsolt, Architect, Csíkpálfalva

Vitamin A Architecture office

Zeppelin Romanian architecture magazine


CAB Centar za arhitekturu Beograd Center for architecture, Belgrade


KÉK, Hungarian contemporary architecture Centre

MOME, Moholy-Nagy University of art and design, Budapest

sporaarchitects Architecture office

t2a, Turányi & Turányi architects Architecture office

3h architects Architecture office

Paradigma Ariadné Architecture office


Osteuropa Netzwerk

Shera Society of historians of Eastern European, Eurasian and Russian Art and Architecture

several contacts to architects in other countries as Czech Republic, Lithuania, Georgia, Macedonia and Russia

© ostarchitektur.com               EST. 2006               status: 21 Länder, 116 Orte, 1604 Bauten, 118 Objekte